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Medicaid Asset Recovery ???

Posted on: 29th Sep, 2009 07:43 pm

I need help! Just one week and a half ago, I lost my father who battled many years with multiple health issues. Although he never needed nursing home assistance, he did benefit from Home Health Care for several years. He had his own insurance provided through my mothers work but also used medicare and medicaid.

We are now facing many decisions, most of which trying to help my mother with what to do now. We have been aware of medicaid recovery and its possibilities throughout the process and even prior to my father's passing.

What can we do to protect assets from medicaid recovery? Mom's health, to our knowledge is good and she has years of good living left. However, we do not want equity in the home, etc to be taken after her passing. Can we protect and duly assign assets through a trust at this time or is it too late to ultimately protect assets? We live in Missouri.

Thank You,

Bill in MO
Welcome to forum,
With my best efforts I just wanted to add some of the points to this.Medicaid may recover your father's assets.for all the details you can refer this official link.

keep in touch.......
:arrow: :arrow: :arrow:
Posted on: 29th Sep, 2009 08:55 pm
Hi Bill,

As far as I know, Medicaid allows the applicant to retain a principal residence. The Medicaid applicant's principal residence is considered as an exempt property. Moreover, in this case, the spouse (i.e. your mother) is still living. However, it would be a better option to contact an attorney and get his opinion in this regard. He will be the right person to let you know about it.

Posted on: 29th Sep, 2009 09:35 pm
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