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Lower mortgage interest rates

Posted on: 22nd Oct, 2013 02:22 am
I want to lower my mortgage interest rates. For than, I want to take out a FHA streamline refinance. Is it a good time to refinance now? Are there any negatives that I should know about?
Hi Sequel,

If you meet all the required criteria of the lender, then you will be able to go for FHA streamline refinance. The rates are still low. So, you can get a good deal if you refinance the loan now.

Take care
Posted on: 22nd Oct, 2013 03:24 am
Rates are low so you can check it out.

The downside is that the FHA Monthly Insurance Premiums are higher now than they were before and recently there is a change that requires they be paid for the life of the loan.
All you can do is check it out and see if your monthly savings are high enough to make sense.
If your present FHA mortgage was insured by the FDHA prior to May 29, 2009, definitely check it out now.
Posted on: 22nd Oct, 2013 09:58 am
Sequel, what state is your home in?
Posted on: 01st Nov, 2013 05:05 pm
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