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how can i lay claim to a house and land befoe city does away with it in texas??

Posted on: 30th Sep, 2009 07:01 pm
the man next door to me up and died in 2005 leaving no known kin except a 72 yr old sister in another state she moved in the home and went through what items she wanted and sold the rest the she walked away and went back home out of sate -the mans truck was removed by the city a few months back and im told the home is next cause she is old and cant take care of it from out of state no one has been roud it in almose 5 yrs now!!!i have tried to find her and have had no luck -im told he left no will and files ive located so far show no sign of a will or other kin but her!!!!id love to fix the home and live in it my husband is a carpender and i have the help to do the repairs is there any thing i can do to lay clain to this place before the city dozes a home built in1935 and needs only small repairs!!!!any advice will help for i dont even know where to start!!!!! thanks---so much!!!
you need to contact her. & negotiate with her
Posted on: 30th Sep, 2009 07:14 pm
Hi chaz,

It would be difficult for you to claim the property and occupy it. However, you can contact an attorney and take his opinion in this regard. He would be able to let you know whether or not you would be able to claim the property.
Posted on: 30th Sep, 2009 08:41 pm
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