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Posted on: 24th Aug, 2010 08:09 am
Heir property question in Alabama. I understand that my mother and siblings are direct heirs of my grandparents estate. Of 8 children, two remain surviving. I have also heard that of the deceased children, their heir portion of the land passes to their respective children. My question is if the remaining blood relatives (surviving two children) choose to sell the land, but they give the grandchildren ( the kids of the deceased heirs) their proportionate share of proceeds of the sell, do the remaining whole blood children need the grandkids permission to sell?
Hi anthony,

As far as I can understand, the grandkids should be informed about the sale of the property. They would be also be informed of the fact that they would be receiving their share from the sale proceeds.

Posted on: 25th Aug, 2010 12:31 am
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