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Can a lender resume foreclosure before ch. 7 is discharged if property was included in the bankruptc

Posted on: 15th Jun, 2009 09:18 am
Can a lender resume foreclosure before ch. 7 is discharged if property was included in the bankruptc...We filed ch. 7 bankruptcy on 1/5/09 in part to prevent sherrif sale on 1/6/09. We received discharge on 4/13/09 but found our home was sold on 3/3/09. Can the lender sell before the discharge?
Banruptcy does not prevent foreclosure but only stops it for a short period of time. The foreclosure process can resume shortly after the Ch. 7 filing.
Please consult your attorney for more information.
Posted on: 16th Jun, 2009 08:03 am
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