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How long after Chapter 7 & Short Sale can I obtain a Mortgage?

Posted on: 26th Aug, 2009 12:38 pm

My husband and I had a Chapter 7 for unsecured debt due to extended job loss/failed business due to the economy. This was discharged 6/08. We did not include our home and did a Short Sale 5/09. Credit states "Settled in Full" and we have decent credit since our BK. We have relocated and have very good jobs & income,no new debt. Have been with same employer(s) going on 1 year. Credit scores high 500's.
When would we be an acceptable credit risk to a mortgage company?
Thank you for feedback in advance!
hi cpgarrett,

you need to wait for at least 2 years after discharge from chapter 7 bankruptcy. this the minimum time required to qualify for an fha loan after bankruptcy. for conventional loan, you need to wait for 3-4 years. you also need to improve your credit since the bankruptcy discharge. you will have to wait at least till 6/10 to qualify for a new mortgage and you are also required to improve your credit score to more than 620. a high 500 credit score is not enough to get you a loan in this market.
Posted on: 26th Aug, 2009 11:21 pm
Thanks for the prompt reply. The 6/10 time frame, is this with the Short Sale as well? If so, that at least gives us a time frame to shoot for. Thanks so much!
Posted on: 27th Aug, 2009 07:14 am
jenkin is right.

below 620, these days it is impossible to get any mortgage
Posted on: 27th Aug, 2009 10:10 am
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