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after bankruptcy question..In need of some advice

Posted on: 18th Sep, 2010 10:48 pm
We have a discharged bankruptcy as of May of 2010. Our car and mortgage were included in the bankruptcy. We are upside down on our mortgage because we owe more than it's worth. We didn't sign any reaffirm documents. We have been making mortgage payments. Our mortgage is through BOA. We are thinking of giving up the condo and renting an apartment. Do we have to give any notice to the bank/mortgage lender? Also, can the HOA sue us for the associating monthly dues? I'm in desperate need of an answer. I appreciate your response asap!

Welcome to mortgagefit,

What I understand from your post is that, you have been discharged from chapter 13 BK.Is that so? if it is then in order to save yourself from getting sued you can convert your chapter 13 BK to chapter 7 and you can start a fresh without any burden.
For more info on converting the ch.13 to ch.7 you can go through following link and as well as consult an attorney who has helped you to file a BK.

Feel free to ask any further query if you have.
Posted on: 19th Sep, 2010 04:38 am
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