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Is there light at the end of the tunnel?

Posted on: 24th Oct, 2007 12:59 pm
I'm afraid to pull my credit report. I know my FICO is low, low, low. Now in addition to foreclosure, I also have the bankruptcy. I am not getting any younger. Say I'm able to sell my house during bankruptcy, am I likely to be able to rent an apartment due to my credit history?
It is difficult to get a rent with a bad credit but it is better to avoid the real estate agents.

Try to look for rentals that are offered by land owners with one or two properties because they rarely go through credit.

If you have little money try to pay in full for the entire lease period, say 6 months. If possible, get a co-signer for your lease.
Posted on: 25th Oct, 2007 02:34 am
There is always light at the end of the tunnel. You may have to look at a few more properties but there are always landlords that don't pull credit. If you want to get on the fast track to good credit again do these things. Pay all your bills on time and pay your rent with checks from your own checking account. If you do this within 2-3 years you should be in a whole lot better position than you are in today.

And like I said there is always light at the end of the tunnel. They don't call it a difficult situation for nothing. But remember that when things are at there worst they can only get better.
Posted on: 25th Oct, 2007 01:13 pm
Mark and Livinginnky

Thank you for that. You know, right now I'm in the process of putting together my bills for discussion with my attorney for submittal to the trustee. Am I required by law to put all of my bills into the bankruptcy? I have a long list of dental work that needs to be done and most of it is not covered by my insurance. I have it all in writing with the costs and everything. How will the court look at that? Also, I have a list of repairs that needs to be done on my car with costs as well. It was given to me at my "A" Service check up. Additionally, I have repairs that needs to be done to my condo. How does that work? I mean, is that considered?

Thank you.

Posted on: 26th Oct, 2007 07:23 am
Your attorney should be able to answer all your questions. I don't know the specific answers to those questions but maybe someone else will come along who does. They will need some basic information as well...

Are you doing Ch.7 or Ch.13 or do you even know yet?
Posted on: 26th Oct, 2007 09:21 am
I filed Chapter 13.

Thank you.
Posted on: 26th Oct, 2007 05:09 pm
Hello Isacmar,

You can only include the unpaid bills into bankruptcy.

Whatever repairs you have to do, those are not your debts right now. So you can only include the outstanding bills.
Posted on: 27th Oct, 2007 04:47 am
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