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poor credit

Posted on: 28th Feb, 2008 07:27 am
i need to refinance my home i did get behind on my mortgage i have a poor fico score due to me getting hurt on disability now and workerscomp was just not paying me on time is why i got behind so please email me if you can help [color=red:d1b890fe26]edited to remove email address[/color:d1b890fe26]

Your question has been previously discussed at
You can check it out.

Even with poor credit you can refinance but you need to give details of your situation so that we can help you.

Feel free to ask if you have any further questions.

Best of luck,
Posted on: 28th Feb, 2008 12:35 pm
Hi guest,

Did you go through the suggestions given by the community in the page larry has mentioned? anyway, are you able to locate lenders considering alternative scores other than the FICO score. Well, don't worry if you haven't. You can simply go for a no-obligation free counseling with the community lenders and they will be able to suggest which is the right refinance option for you.

For further queries, please keep posting and do not hesitate to discuss the offers suggested by the lenders.


Posted on: 29th Feb, 2008 03:09 am
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