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The 106 Common Mistakes Homebuyers Make(& How to Avoid Them)

Posted on: 09th Jan, 2007 03:23 pm
All the information first-time homebuyers need to understand and avoid the 106 common mistakes in purchasing a home or condo . . .

Written especially for first-timers, this eye-opening guide turns you into an educated consumer, ensuring that the home or condo you buy is both a comfortable place to live and an investment that steadily appreciates in value. Compiled from the experiences of hundreds of homebuyers, real estate agents, home builders, and mortgage lenders, it alerts you to the 106 common mistakes in home buying, illustrates them in practice, and shows how to prevent them from happening to you.

Now revised and expanded, this invaluable resource covers everything from negotiating with sellers and making the down payment to shopping for the best mortgage and handling the closing.

Written by one of the nation's leading real estate experts and packed with hundreds of valuable tips and suggestions, The 106 Common Mistakes Homebuyers Make, is the book to have for a smooth, successful, and emotionally rewarding homebuying experience.
I feel the book makes consumers aware of the probable mistakes they may be doing with their finances. So, they can be alert from the very beginning and try to take decisions that will help them avoid such mistakes.
Posted on: 10th Jan, 2007 12:24 am
This book is a must for all those looking to buy homes for the first time. It tells them about home buying mistakes before buyers actually commit them. So, while taking decisions buyers will be more practical and they will think smartly before making a choice.
Posted on: 10th Jan, 2007 12:28 am
I have seen many first time home buyers make common mistakes which can be avoided if they are aware of the steps required in the finalization of their new house purchase.

This book has answers to all such questions one need to keep in mind while approaching any real estate agent or property seller.

Posted on: 10th Jan, 2007 01:35 pm
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