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Our Community aims to equip common people with the right kind of knowledge. So we have assimilated information and compiled them in our "Bookshelf". We hope that it will help you in the quest for more information and enhance your knowledge on mortgage and the industry.

New in Books Catalogue

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Shop and Compare Mortgage Lenders With Easy-to-use printable worksheets

Shop and Compare Mortgage Lenders With Easy-to-use printable worksheets
File Size 192 KB
ISBN No. 0-9774442-4-4
Price US $ 9
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About the book

The worksheets make it easier to shop and evaluate lenders in order to decide upon the loan program that is right for you. It makes you aware of what to ask for and how to compare lenders/loan offers in order to get a successful deal.

Books Catalogue

Making Smart Decisions: 9 Steps to Financing your Home

Making Smart Decisions - 9 Steps to Financing your Home
ISBN No. 0-9774442-3-6
Author Jessica Bennet
Release Date November 23, 2006
Price US $ 19
More details from this book

Mortgage Rates - Reflection for 2005 and Prediction for 2006

Mortgage Rates - Reflection for 2005 and Prediction for 2006
ISBN No. 0-9774442-3-6
Author Jessica Bennet
Release Date January 26, 2006
Price Free
More details from this book

We will be releasing e-books on various popular mortgage related topics in the coming days for your knowledge. You can also contribute to the Mortgage Community by writing in the opinions and suggestions for ebooks. Please email us at

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