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Know which is better - Buying or renting

You can calculate the total estimated cost of buying and renting a property by considering the mortgage loan costs, property taxes, insurance costs, monthly association dues and other costs. Then by comparing the estimated costs, you can evaluate whether it is better to buy or rent.

Monthly Rent ($)
Monthly Rental Insurance ($)
Expected Annual Inflation Rate (%)
Purchase Price of Home ($)
Down Payment Amount ($)
Mortgage Period (# of years)
Mortgage Rate (%)
Discount Points on Home Purchase (%)
Origination Fees (%)
Other Loan Costs ($)
Mortgage Insurance Rate (PMI %)
Homeowner's Insurance Rate (%)
Monthly Association Dues ($)
Average Monthly Maintenance Costs ($)
Annual Property Tax ($)
State and Federal Income Tax Rate (%)
Expected Rate you expect to earn on savings (%)
Expected Home Value Appreciation Rate (%)
Periods you will stay at this property (Years)
Realtor Commission Rate (%)
Should I rent or buy?
Total Estimated Renting Cost
Total Estimated Buying Cost


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