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Can we all say RIP OFF Write the letters

Posted on: 22nd May, 2009 05:34 pm
Aurora loan services is my mortgage company. I have spoke with many, so called "loan experts" from Aurora loan services, and was told that I didn’t qualify for the Mortgage Modification Government Programs. I was told by Aurora loan services that my income was too much for one program and, not enough for another. And I just found out when I call to get “HELP” to see if I qualify for any of the government programs, Aurora loan services is charging me $20.00 a call. Out of talking to at least 5 of the "loan experts" only one told me about the $20.00 fee! Is all I could say was “YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME” I’m calling YOU for help, and YOUR charging me $20.00 for each call. UNBELIEVEABLE. One of the so called "loan experts" at Aurora loan services said, “looking at the info you gave, IF this info is true, you must be on food stamps. Because I stated I spend $50.00 a month for food.” HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO ME THAT WAY (AND charge me $20.00 FOR THE CALL to do it) I told her, “ My husband and I own, and operate a restaurant from 9am to 11pm 7 days a week, and that’s where we eat. I also told her, “This is the kind of help we get from you people! I was also told to sell my house, and get something we could afford. We have lived in our home for 13 years, why should we sell because our country is in a recession due to our great leaders AKA “Government.” The lenders need to be forced into helping us keep our homes. This bailout money is coming from our tax dollars to help us, so why should we sit by, and let the lenders keep us from holding onto what is ours “OUR HOMES! We have power in numbers, and we need to stand up and do something! Sitting around feeling sorry for ourselves accomplishes nothing. I’m not the only one that’s fed up. Until “THEY” (The mortgage lenders, and the Government) do something to change things for the better for us, not “THEM” we need to send a letter to the white house on the 1st & 15th of each month.
This was on a web site:
“It is estimated that it could benefit 8 to 9 million homeowners from the new modification procedures. Even if you don't meet the above eligible requirements you might still qualify for other Mortgage Modification Programs.”
I for one, want to be ONE of the 8 to 9 million homeowners this program is suppose to help, with MY tax dollars!! While I still have a computer, paper, and can afford the price of a stamp I will be sending my letters on the 1st and 15th of each month to the White House. I beg you to do the same. Name the company who refused to help you. Give the persons name, phone number, ext. I LOVE what one women wrote, not only did this women name a company BUT she also named the person, (first and last name) and the phone number AND the ext. of the company that wouldn’t help her. She wrote, “The company I am speaking of is National City Mortgage. I was assigned to Ashley Childers in account Mitigations 1-800-367-9305 ext #53097” This is what will turn things around. This is what all mortgage companies need.
If this loan modification has helped anyone, we’ve love to hear from you!
My husband and I have lost our health Inc. We want it back, and with the help of a loan modification, we could make that happen!
E-mail this to everyone on your e-mail list. Post it on other web sites. Today is the 22nd of May; we have 9 days until the 1st to get our letters ready. Even if you’re working, and paying your mortgage, what will tomorrow be like???
You heard the saying “I’m mad as hell, and I’m not going to take it anymore!!! I may still lose my home, but I can tell you one thing, I’m going out FIGHTING! I tell myself this a hundred times a day: Tough times don’t last, tough people do!
Write your letters, if nothing else, you’ll feel a lot better having said something, then just sitting by, and letting them (The mortgage lenders, and the Government) walk all over you. Send the same letter every month; you don’t have to write a new letter each month. Just let THEM know, we’re out here, we’re not going away, and we will be heard!!!
hi susan,

there are lot of people who are facing tough situations like you. however, the new government is coming up with different plans and programs to help both the upside down homeowners as well as the lenders. you must have heard of the home affordable refinance program. this programs helps the borrowers to refinance and take advantage of the lower interest rates prevailing in the market even though they are upside down on their mortgage.

as your lender is not cooperating with you, i would suggest you to take the help of a loss mitigation expert. he will deal with the lender on your behalf.

Posted on: 22nd May, 2009 08:01 pm
$20 per call? what in the world is that all about? that's an absolute outrage. not only that, but it cannot possibly be a legal charge. perhaps the person on the other end of the phone is stupid enough to think that making a "joke" like that is the right way to go. i cannot comprehend any other reason for it.
Posted on: 23rd May, 2009 09:02 am
It is natural outrage that the person will blow to any guy who is thinking of charging $ 20 per call.

I am posting the letter on my website as well as on my blog.I will personally make it sure all the guys read it.

keep us informed.
Posted on: 24th May, 2009 04:09 am
Aurora Loan Services is beyond EVIL. They told my boyfriend to pay a reduced payment, then to pay nothing for a few months, while they were working on the loan modification program for his house. They assured him everything was fine. Then last week, they told him he didn't qualify for any of their programs, owed thousands of dollars and that his house was now in foreclosure. He has to pay all of the money PLUS their legal fees or they foreclose. How can this be allowed to happen? He was working with them in complete good faith and doing everything they told him to do. They are liars, cheaters and thieves. We will be filing complaints about this anywhere and everywhere we can, and also asking for an investigation into the law firms they are using to file the foreclosure papers. They are in collusion to rip off consumers and homeowners as much as possible. Congress and regulators and MEDIA, where are you????
Posted on: 04th Sep, 2009 11:40 am
George, I hate to say it, but I don't disbelieve Susan re: the $20 charge. This is what servicers do. Legality has absolutely nothing to do with it. The sad fact of the matter is that something is only "illegal" if you get caught doing it. Fairbanks/SPS has been charging me BPO fees off and on for years now, despite the fact that a Superior Court Judge reversed all of the fees in 2005 b/c the terms of my mortgage stated that the note holder was financially responsible for them. Even with a court order it didn't stop Fairbanks/SPS from continuing to charge them. Aurora has been on the Mortgage Servicing Fraud radar for years now along with Ocwen, EMC, Litton, Saxon, Fairbanks/SPS, etc.

The truly insidious thing about this is that, if/when Susan shows those charges to anyone - including an attorney - she may very well NOT be believed because they quite possibly will be categorized simply as "legal fees" when the time comes for Susan to go to the next level and hire an attorney, should she decide to do so. And if, in fact, she IS being charged $20 per call, they'll just be rolled in to the rest of the legal fees that will be charged.

At that point, Susan, you're going to want to get copies of your complete loan history (not that it will do much good) AND a complete copy of your contact history report. There is a small chance that the $20 conversations may be memorialized there.

A.L.L. AP Impact recently did a story on servicers and the amounts of TARP money they're receiving. You (and anyone having trouble with a mortgage servicer) might want to keep the list handy for any conversations you might be having.

Last I looked, servicers had received over $20 Billion in TARP funds. For what, I'm not quite sure...

Mike Dillon
Manchester, NH
Getdshirtz dot com
Posted on: 07th Sep, 2009 08:58 am
mike, it's a good thing you're doing on here...please keep it up. your information along with your personal experiences can help, i think, a great deal.

there's so much that the average citizen does not know about what's going on with the servicing of loans. there's definitely a level of inefficiency, and that we can (almost) excuse, but the crassness of those who are on the phone, the ludicrous statements that we see repeatedly in our forums, the downright lies told to borrowers...these are beyond the pale.

i'm glad you and others are fighting "the good fight" here.
Posted on: 08th Sep, 2009 11:46 am
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