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abandoned property

Posted on: 19th Mar, 2012 12:17 pm
Can anyone give me a direction to take to find the GMAC facility that might be in charge of a property in Ohio? There is a home that years ago was a showplace that since has been given back to GMAC and abandoned. The house is totally destroyed but I have a retired Dr. and his wife that would love to buy this property and bring it back to what it once was. It has been sitting for about 1 1/2 years and I am trying to find out who I can contact to see if we can get this property sold.

Any help would surely be appreciated!

[size=9:3651094ade][color=Red:3651094ade][Email address deleted as per forum rules. Thanks.][/color:3651094ade][/size:3651094ade]
Abandoned property generally becomes the property of whoever should find it and take possession of it first, although some states have enacted statutes under which certain kinds of abandoned property. :idea:
Posted on: 19th Mar, 2012 08:43 pm
Hi kmorrell!

Welcome to forums!

You can contact their customer service department at: 1-800-766-4622 and get to know whom you need to contact in this regard.

Feel free to ask if you've further queries.

Posted on: 19th Mar, 2012 10:21 pm
To add on previous poster, to be able to claim abandoned property, there are several steps to take. Its called squatting. A party must be able to document that they have been living at the abanoded property for the States required time, CA is 5 years. Each of those years, you would have to pay the property taxes. You are best to contact the lender first, to establish who is the owner. If the bank owns the property, you may be able to negotiate with them. If someone else owns it, you may be able to work with them to take over the property. If not, move in and start paying taxes!!!
Posted on: 21st Mar, 2012 04:07 pm
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