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USMAC Law Group - Is it a loan modification scam?

Posted on: 09th Jan, 2009 04:37 pm
Have anyone heard of ( Elect Group,LLC in Coral Springs FL.)
Iam in default for about 3000.00 on my loan with 8.5 fixed rate.
They wont 1.995 up front .To begin paper work on a loan modification
said that they should beable get me 4.fixed rat. Do anyone thank that this might be a scam[/b]
There are not a scam! It is one of the most respected companies that are actually getting mods done. A bunch of haters on this page who are only giving their opinion!!
Posted on: 12th Nov, 2009 12:55 pm
well, i'm not a "hater." but yes, i do give my opinion. if you read the posts from those who've lost thousands of dollars to companies that claimed to be helpful, then you'd come to suspect that there are snakes in the grass out there preying on unfortunate folk who need help with their mortgages. that doesn't make anyone a hater who comments.

if the best that "helping people save homes" can do is call others "haters" without concrete information to the contrary, that doesn't speak too well of the expertise behind the comment.

go figure.
Posted on: 13th Nov, 2009 10:24 am
Do not use the USMAC Law Group. We signed up for loan modification with them over 8 months ago, but were given numerous excuses why there was no progress being made. They even asked us to resend them the same documentation several times without any logical reason. Your better off waiting for your bank to make you an offer for loan modification; we did it without the help of the USMAC Law group. We submitted to the bank all the required paperwork by ourselves after getting nowhere with the USMAC Law group. Our loan was modified after making 3 trial mortgage payments at a reduced rate. Don't make the same mistake we did; you can do it yourself. Good luck.
Posted on: 13th Nov, 2009 06:38 pm
another dissatisfied customer...seems to be a trend in the modification business.
Posted on: 15th Nov, 2009 07:37 pm
to piggyback on my last remark:

i don't see the negative comments as vindication in this scenario, but as a warning. all of us ought to realize that we need to go into things with our eyes wide open, and not trust everyone who has a scheme that will bail us out.

i wish we never saw any of these complaints about these companies. that would mean they're doing what they advertise they can do, and that would be beneficial. if someone can truly help and they can make a few bucks in the process, well that's "the american way" after all. we just seem to have had a few underhanded people get in line at the money trough.
Posted on: 15th Nov, 2009 07:41 pm
The USMac Law Group is a complete scam. Please do not pay them money to modifiy your loan. They have taken thousands of people for their money! They do not have the people in place to get your loan modified. This brilliant owner has taken in so many cases they will be lucky if they can modify a single loan. Don't trust them
Posted on: 18th Nov, 2009 09:40 am
i gather that you must have some special knowledge of usmac group, eh concerned?
Posted on: 18th Nov, 2009 09:50 am
I paid them about $4000 since June 2009 and now they stopped returning any of my calls. I called my lender and they said they needed documents from me but didn't get it so they closed my loan MOD file already. I left numerous messages and spoke to a so called "operator" but no one returned any of my calls. I am filing a complaint with the State Bar of CA. Also, I did not find the attorney Christian Dillon on the State Bar attorney list anymore when he was listed in June 2009. BEWARE!!!
Posted on: 23rd Nov, 2009 09:57 pm
I am ANGRY! I now know that this firm is a scam...We tried going though our servicing company to modify our loan after I lost my job, and they would not help us! By the way, I had never heard of this servicing company and I have been in the mortgage business for 14 years. Come to find out, our home was owned by a private lender. So, we contacted this law group. They were able to get us a trial modification for 3 months, and then suddenly every contact person we had there was gone! And the servicing company never contacted us and our loan was sold to another lender. The servicing company got $12K+ and the law group got $4K+ and now right before Christmas, we have lost our home! IT'S A SCAM!
Posted on: 05th Dec, 2009 08:37 am
please, everyone who may be facing this sort of situation, there are FREE counselors available to assist homeowners in the modification morass. go to website and search for counselors, and you'll find that there are plenty of them in your own personal area.

why pay when you can get professional assistance for free?
Posted on: 06th Dec, 2009 08:17 pm
we too have been scammed by christian m dillian. my husband lost his good paying job--went from $22 an hr down to $10 an hr. we tried to refinance but our loan was upside down. this lawyer said they could get us a reduced rate and reduce our loan amount. promised things that have not happened. then usmac took over in august---told us dillian retired---yeah, after numerous attempts to get a response from them, they finally called and said they have done all they could and have dropped us. what have they done but cost us our house and took $2,000 from us??? we need help--feel totally ripped off and had only called these people in the first place to help us keep our house due to job loss and cutbacks. before all this, our payments were paid in good faith and now we feel so betrayed and don't know what to do now. i may be homeless in 30 days and who would let us buy or even rent from them now? our credit is shot all to pieces because of them!! it's not fair to do this to people who are trying really hard to help themselves. what should we do next?
Posted on: 10th Dec, 2009 10:58 am
I have been speaking with some one from USMAC Law Group. She has been assuring me that they are the best at getting MOD's done. I am surprised at the comments and now I don't know what to do. Have been trying with WAMU for more that 8 months and now I don'y know what to do with Chase. Getting very desperate now, but cannot afford to get scammed, either. USMAC asked for $750.00 to do the application, then another $2,000.00 in two to three weeks when the paperwork is submitted to Chase and the remainder when the MOD is almost completed. So confused right now.
Posted on: 10th Dec, 2009 11:00 am
Betty, Chase has their own remodifying dept. Check with them first! Do NOT go with USMAC---or you will be in my shoes next. What she is telling you is exactly what they told us. Now we could lose our home.
Posted on: 10th Dec, 2009 11:18 am
betty, what do you think they would tell you - that they are the worst at getting modifications done? come on now...i know you tried to find a company that was going to be aboveboard and would help you, but you make it sound like that's all they had to say to convince you.

i'm sorry...i don't mean to make light of your circumstance, but i wish folk would do a little digging before digging into their pocketbooks to pay creeps.
Posted on: 10th Dec, 2009 01:15 pm
USMAC is a scam! I currently filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Comission - DO NOT USE THEM!!!
Posted on: 10th Dec, 2009 01:49 pm
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