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how do i report a some thing that i did no use on my credit report

Posted on: 23rd Jun, 2009 01:07 pm
I have something from E.R solutions on my credit report and that i did not open or use how do i get it off ?? someone told me that when they got them taken from there account it when up 143 points !!
Hi Friend,
You need to file a dispute with the credit reporting agency advising that you did not open the E.R. Solutions account. The credit agency will investigate and if they can confirm your dispute, the account will be removed from your credit report. You should also get a corrected copy of your report once this is completed. In addition, check with all the credit bureaus as each one may have different information.
Posted on: 23rd Jun, 2009 01:46 pm
Hi Caramel,

I agree to what Sunshineva has suggested to you. You should dispute this with the credit bureaus to get the account removed from your report. You need to send a letter to the credit bureaus, requesting them to remove it from your credit report. Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, the credit agencies are required to carry out an investigation on the issue and respond to your letter within 30 days.
Posted on: 23rd Jun, 2009 10:28 pm

Welcoem to the forum

Once you get you full report, I would try to call this compnay and find out what they are charging you for and if it was mistake ask them to report it to the credit bureau

Good luck
Posted on: 23rd Jun, 2009 10:34 pm
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