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Credit Monitoring

Posted on: 23rd Mar, 2013 03:51 am
I am a 21 year old boy, and I had heard about credit monitoring services. Please guide me regarding how do credit monitoring services work and prevent fraud.
Welcome chandan,

Well, a credit monitoring service will help you track your credit report at one or more of the three major credit bureaus. If there is a change or suspicious activity on your credit report, it will immediately send you an alert.
Posted on: 24th Mar, 2013 08:02 pm
Hi chandan!

Welcome to the forums!

Get to know all about credit monitoring services from the given page: "".

Feel free to ask if you've further queries.

Posted on: 25th Mar, 2013 08:30 pm
Credit monitoring alert people whenever there are changes in their credit scores or reports. They are also emailed the details of the changes and they provide real-time monitoring. They help prevent fraud because they constantly keep people informed about their transactions. Therefore, when people are alerted of transactions which they did not make, they can consider them a red flag. They can immediately check their credit reports or their emails for the details about the transactions, call the involved establishments and banks within minutes or hours about the unauthorized transactions and have them nullified or cancelled immediately. With the fast response from you, banks and establishments will also find it much easier to cancel them because chances are high that you were able to prevent them from pursuing the transaction. Credit monitoring services are a good investment because they give you the opportunity to stop identity theft even before it does happen. For a more detailed explanation on how these services prevent identity theft, read about it on "".
Posted on: 05th Apr, 2013 12:42 am
Credit monitoring is a service which constantly alerts you of changes in your credit score and emails you the details of the transaction which caused that change. They are effective in preventing credit fraud because it gives you the chance to put your accounts on hold even before a thief pursues a transaction. A credit monitoring service is a good way to prevent credit fraud; however, once you have been hit, you must also know the necessary steps you should take to effectively stop the thief from damaging your name and credit. Read this article, "" you will learn the things that you should do once you are alerted of a change in your credit score, which was not caused by you. It is important that you learn these things because the purpose of your credit monitoring service will be defeated if you do not know what to do next.
Posted on: 03rd May, 2013 05:36 am
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