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Need more credit

Posted on: 05th Sep, 2012 02:42 am
I am working on rebuilding my credit since I filed a Chapter 13 more than a year ago. I was approved for one credit card last year and I have paid it on time every month. I'm getting a little frustrated though because when I spoke to a broker I was informed that I need more credit. How I can get new credit when I can't even get approved and if I have too many inquiries hit my credit report it will drop my score.
have you got a discharge from your bankruptcy filing? after getting a discharge from your chapter 13 bankruptcy filing, you need to wait for 1-2 years depending upon the type of loan you want and then apply for the mortgage. before that none of the lenders will be ready to give you a loan.
Posted on: 05th Sep, 2012 02:57 am
Hi stacey!

Welcome to forums!

You can apply for secured credit cards and pay them on time. This will help you in improving your credit scores to a great extent.

Feel free to ask if you've further queries.

Posted on: 05th Sep, 2012 08:42 pm
You can look for secured credit cards. By repaying your credit card bills on time, you can improve your score.
Posted on: 06th Sep, 2012 03:12 am
Yes, it would be best on your part to take out new secured credit card. These are available even if you do not have much of a good credit. What about your bankruptcy discharge?
Posted on: 06th Sep, 2012 10:28 pm
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