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Condo in FL

Posted on: 20th Jun, 2009 04:32 pm
My husband and I are both unemployed. He hasn't worked since last Sept. and I was laid off in Dec of last year. We purchased a condo in Nov 05 when my employer transferred my department here to FL. We continue to make the mortgage payment on the condo however our savings is running out. We would like to take what little savings we have and move North where the job market seems better. This would mean we would need to walk away from the condo since we could not afford to may rent and a mortgage. We have excellent credit and I do not foresee and issue with renting an apartment. As much as I dislike walking away we do not see a way out of this mess. Any advise would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Guest,
Why not rent the condo?
Posted on: 22nd Jun, 2009 07:48 pm
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