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foreclose after bankcruptcy

Posted on: 26th Jul, 2010 09:42 pm
my husband got laid off & filed chapter 7. we did not include our house in the bankcruptcy, but
can not keep up with mortgage so we are in the process of short sale or
foreclosure. we had our home for 21 years. we have 1st & 2nd loan. are
we going to be liable for the tax if we short sale or foreclose the house?
we did not re-affirm to the lenders.
There is hope for those who have made mistakes in the past, but their willingness to continue to buy a house after bankruptcy. This is a good time to sit down and identify this debt and finance. Make a plan to eliminate the debt. Write confirmed to do things seem much more manageable than just continue to stay still persistent widespread fears that economic issues are spun out of control.
Posted on: 06th Aug, 2010 10:56 pm
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