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what will my payments be for a forty five thousand dollar be at six percent over a six year term.

Posted on: 12th Oct, 2008 08:07 pm
what will my payments be for a forty five thousand dollar be at six percent over a six year term...what will my cost be for a forty five thousand dollar mortgage be at six percent interest rate for six years be.
Hi ritascannell!

Welcome to Forums!

Using the FRM calculator , your monthly payment will be

Loan Amount - $ 45000

Interest Rate - 6 %

To Pay - 6 Years 0 Months

Monthly Installment - $ 745.78
You can also get a amortization schedule here.

You can also get the total monthly mortgage payments if you use the following link:

Feel free to ask if you have further queries.

Posted on: 12th Oct, 2008 09:54 pm
what would my payments be on a 45,000 loan
Posted on: 27th Feb, 2009 10:06 am
Welcome brittany,

Your payments will depend upon the interest rate and term of the loan. As you haven't given those details, it would be difficult for me to answer your query. However, you can use the two calculators mentioned by Sussane in her post. This will help you to know your mortgage payments.
Posted on: 27th Feb, 2009 10:09 pm
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