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File divorce and bankruptcy

Posted on: 05th Jan, 2012 12:47 am
I owe about 37k in CC debt, and 7k in medical debt. The CC debt is from 2008 whereas I incurred the medical debts in 2010. I think my best option will be to file bankruptcy. Apart from this, I am also getting divorced. But the concerning part is that I am a member of a Limited Partnership. I have a house that I built with funds from this partnership and I repay it as a mortgage payment. Now, the house is not worth as much as I have borrowed from my LP on it. Now, how will my BK be received? I am assuming I should do it after filing for Divorce so it's a cleaner BK. Am I right?
Hi Nita,

You can include that mortgage in your bankruptcy filing and list the property as your asset. You should contact a bankruptcy attorney and discuss your situation with him. He/she will guide you whether you should file bankruptcy before or after your divorce.

Take care
Posted on: 05th Jan, 2012 02:09 am
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