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No credit - help?

Posted on: 15th Apr, 2011 07:03 pm
So this happened a few years ago, from what I hear this is the oddest case ever. So I would like to get some insight on what we can do about it.

My Mother spent hundreds if not thousands of dollars trying to prove she was alive, when she went to check her credit score to get a mortgage they said that it came up she was dead and had no score, and for years she struggled to finally be able to get a score, now her credit is decent. But is there anything she can do to the credit agencies or anyone for falsely claiming that she was dead and hurting her from getting a mortgage for all those years?

Hi Noenoeclue_is_me,

Welcome to Mortgage fit,

You can file a complaint against the credit bureau to the federal trade commission.You can visit this link to file an online complaint to them

You can also take help of an attorney if needed, in order to expedite the process.

Feel free to ask any further query if you have....

DIPA :arrow: :arrow: :arrow:
Posted on: 17th Apr, 2011 11:07 pm
Your mother might be able to take legal actions against the credit bureaus. However, it will be better if your mother could contact an attorney and take his opinion in this matter.
Posted on: 18th Apr, 2011 02:32 am
Everything is fixed now and her credit is decent. I will have her contact an attorney though for what you guys have mentioned. Do you think she could go for financial stuff since she was not able to get a loan for so long and had to pay a lot of money to finally get recognized as alive?

Also any other information that she would need? thanks guys for the help.

Edit : I talked to my Mom to get more insight into the situation, she says she has better credit than ever right now. But I asked her why she was pronounced dead all those years ago and she said that the social security administration pronounced her social security number came up dead and it came up as no credit at all. Finally one lady told her that she had no credit because she was deceased by social security after many phone calls and paying people to help her.

Some took her money and ran away right when they got it. She says she is happy and not wanting to really take action, but I think she should because she was refused mortgages many times because of this and had to rent for many years at higher than mortgage rates in the area because of what happened.

any other advice on what she can do and what she could gain from this? What about contacting an attorney who would take her case with no down payment and only payment if she wins? and who would she sue since it was the social security offices who did this.... any info at all? thank you
Posted on: 18th Apr, 2011 03:52 pm
Hi Noenoeclue_is_me!

Welcome to forums!

Your mother can have a word with an attorney and file a lawsuit to claim money from the concerned people for the harassment that she had faced. The attorney will be the best to let you and your mother know as to what steps she can take.

Feel free to ask if you've further queries.

Posted on: 19th Apr, 2011 12:42 am
Wow. I wish I had seen this when it was fresh. When I was in doing loans, this actually came up more often than you'd think. All that was required was a visit to the social security office to obtain a letter that in fact stated you are alive. I know right? You have to have a LETTER to prove you're ALIVE.

We're constantly fixing people's credit by even just removing identities that don't belong to them that are on their credit report. You'd be surprised how much info is wrong on those things.

But here's the deal. The credit bureaus have broken several laws themselves if they did not take care of this in a timely manner as well as the provider of such information if they were not able to supply sufficient documentation in a timely manner. The problem you run into is there's a process that must be followed in order to gain any leverage against these people to be able to collect on the associated fines for breaking these laws. It could be considered frivolous.

Once again, you'd probably want to talk to an attorney to see if she would have a case. Then again, that attorney would have to be very familiar with credit and consumer law. Be careful out there.
Posted on: 22nd Apr, 2011 10:13 am
Thanks for sharing your experience, David! :-)
Posted on: 22nd Apr, 2011 09:15 pm
Thank you all for your help and advices... I really appreciate it.

I wish I knew this before she spent over a thousand trying to fix this stupid problem. It had haunted her for a long time, I thought this was a rare thing, but David since you have seen this before. What kind of things can she really do?

I'd like to hire a lawyer who does know about credit and consumer laws and take the case for free and only get paid if we win. I don't know how common those are. But I want her to get at least her money back for all those years she paid people to help her and most of them said yeah we'll help then ended up stealing her money and running away. I was too young at the time to actually post on a place like this or try to help, but I wish I could have.

Any advice on if she can get her money back or a good possibility to get more if she went for it? also last question is, would doing this hurt her credit score? thanks guys
Posted on: 28th Apr, 2011 06:40 pm
Hi Noenoeclue_is_me!

Welcome to forums!

You can take the help of an attorney in this matter so that you can resolve the matter. I don't think it will affect your mother's credit score in any way.

Feel free to ask if you've further queries.

Posted on: 28th Apr, 2011 11:47 pm
I agree with Sussane. I'd talk to a lawyer.
Posted on: 29th Apr, 2011 08:55 am
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