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Marital home

Posted on: 03rd Feb, 2011 03:56 pm
My wife of 5 years purchased our family home 6 months ago. I had been through a failed business venture years ago and had been bankrupt, so it was easier for her to purchase the house. It is not in my name, nor is the mortgage. However, I am the main bread winner in the home and pay for the mortgage. We live in British Columbia, Canada.
What are my legal rights to the property, being her legal husband and the fact that the home was purchased while we were married. I was the one that found the bank for her, I basically did all the leg work for the purchase. I did not sign any agreement to give up any of my legal rights in regards to the home.
Does anyone have any idea if I am legally an owner of this property?
Hi Guest,

If your name is mentioned on the property deed, then you will have equal rights to the property as your wife. If your name is not mentioned on the deed, then you won't be able to claim any rights to that property.

Posted on: 03rd Feb, 2011 08:30 pm
Interesting concept. I spoke to a lawyer here in BC who told me that any assets accumulated during the marriage are assets of the marriage, and are owned equally by both husband and wife. It matters not if one of the married couple have their name on title or the mortgage. If they are married, live in the home, contribute to it, etc, then it is a family asset, which by BC law is owned jointly.
Posted on: 04th Feb, 2011 02:20 pm
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