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Next Steps after paying off a mortgage

Posted on: 18th Nov, 2008 07:08 am
We just paid our last mortgage payment (woohooo!). Do we take out title insurance? What are the logical next steps after being "free and clear" after 17 yrs??
Rejoice! oh yeah, you already did that.

i don't know why, frankly, the question of title insurance would come up. if you didn't buy it originally, i wouldn't think it's going to make a difference now. having it doesn't hurt, however.

other than that...enjoy your mortgage-free lifestyle. i'm sure you can find other ways to distribute your funds in the remaining years of your lives.
Posted on: 18th Nov, 2008 11:06 am

Welcome to the forums!

Congratulations!!! It must be a great feeling to pay off the debts! Now that you have paid off the debts, you can ask the lender to give you a release certificate and the deed of the house. This can take some time as the lender has to do all the documentation. Contact the lender and he will tell what steps you need to take now.

Feel free to ask if you have further queries.

Posted on: 18th Nov, 2008 06:15 pm
last week I pay off my mortgage.but I did'nt hear anything from my lender a bout next step (paper work or House deed?
Posted on: 24th May, 2013 06:44 am
Hi yo,

You should contact your lender on your own and apply for a mortgage lien release certificate.

Posted on: 26th May, 2013 11:44 pm
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