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Reverse quit claim deed - How to do it?

Posted on: 27th Jul, 2006 01:56 pm
good afternoon. i live in toluca lake, ca and my 85 year old grandmother lives in orlando, and she has a condo that was just fully repaired from the hurricanes that hit two years ago. the problem is that she is in a hud housing facility and the sale of the condo would remove her from it. she has, what she considered to be a daughter in orlando, who has been in her life for the past 30 years. my grandmother and her discussed that she would sign a quit claim deed over to wanda and after the sale of the property, she would give her some money and leave the rest to me, her only grandchild. well, you probably can see where this is going, now she is being very nasty to my grandmother and has hung up on her twice. also, when wanda wanted my grandmother to switch over her cd from her bank to wanda's bank, when my grandmother was asked who is the beneficiary my grandmother said, my grandson. wanda got up and ran out of the office. i work in entertainment and have no expertise in this field whatsoever, but from my vantage point there is not much my grandmother can do. but, she has been making all of the mortgage payments to date and wanda hasn't paid anything. my grandmother has an appointment with her lawyer in two weeks, and now wanda won't return her calls. is there anything that she can do to reverse the deed or something to that effect?
Hi Jmgovine,

I found some information about reverse quit claim; have a look at

Posted on: 27th Jul, 2006 02:09 pm
There is another page with good discussion about reverse quit claim,
Posted on: 27th Jul, 2006 02:22 pm

You can reverse quit claim deed only if Wanda is willing to quit claim the property back to your grandmother. But if she is not responding to the calls, then you need to discuss the matter with the lawyer and then take necessary actions.


Posted on: 27th Jul, 2006 09:47 pm
My brother-in-law recently passed away and in going through his papers there was a hand written signed and notarized quit claim deed giving me his share in 90 acres in Curry County Oregon which he owned jointly with his son who is incarcerated in the state pen. I have had the deed recorded in my county(Grant County New Mexico) and then have also had the deed recorded in Curry County, is this a valid deed and if so what would I do notify the son that the quit claim deed has been filed and see what he wants to do or would I have the legal right to sell my half of the property. The property is free and clear and the taxes have been paid to date.
Posted on: 29th Aug, 2007 09:42 pm
Hi Johny,

When you have recorded the deed, then it is surely valid.

Though your nephew is holding 50% of the ownership, yet I think there is no need to notify him as you have not acquired his share of the property. You are the owner of the other half of the property share.

After gaining the ownership, you have absolute right to sell half of your part of the property to anyone you like. There are no obligations in it.
Posted on: 30th Aug, 2007 12:26 am
larry wrong again !!
please dont respond to questions you dont know the answers to.

Hi Jmgovine, because the quitclaim deed is legal you are 1/2 owner of the property in question. However you cannot sell it without the second owner agreement just the same as he cannot sell without you.
The property might be big and seems like you can divide it in half and sell it but it is considered as a one undivided whole. You can sell your interest in the property by signing it over to someone else but you cant sell the property.
Its like owning stock - you own interest in part of the company and can sell the stock but you cant go around dismantling the company itself to get the stock value out of it.
Imagine for a second that you sold 50 acres of land and the other coowner found oil on his unsold half. Whould you feel cheated? And how do you split the trees, the grass and pick wich half to sell?

You can agree to subdivide your land in 2 pieces with your coowner and then you can sell your half or you can sell the whole thing and split the profits if coowner agrees.
Posted on: 01st Sep, 2007 07:29 pm
"The property might be big and seems like you can divide it in half and sell it but it is considered as a one undivided whole. You can sell your interest in the property by signing it over to someone else but you cant sell the property. "

Yes, it is like I am co owner of a house with someone and now want out of it. If other co owner agrees then I give him my share and he gives me money for the value of my ownership in the house.

Or for that matter, any other third person can purchase my share in the house by giving me the monie. Thats fine, no problems in it.

But selling the house means the whole property, which includes the portion that other co owner has rights to. When the house will be sold, it will be required to get signatures of all the owners of the house, without which the sale cannot be complete.

Posted on: 01st Sep, 2007 07:49 pm
Here is my problem I quit claimed a propertie to some one that is now in prison house going into 4 closure and I'm on the loan what can I do
Posted on: 12th Nov, 2007 03:57 pm
hello hawk,

didn't your lender ask this person to refinance the mortgage in his name when the ownership was transferred?

if you are on the mortgage, then you are financially responsible for it and if the house forecloses, it will affect your credit.

if it is possible for you to make the payments, then you may do that immediately to stop the foreclosure.

in order to do a reverse quit claim, the present owner is required to sign the document as the grantor. you can take the help of a lawyer and the prison notary to do that but it might take some time.

it is better to talk clearly to the lender as early as possible to prevent the foreclosure, if you have less time.
Posted on: 13th Nov, 2007 09:39 pm
My husband and I are getting a divorce. He quit claimed the house and business to me. The divorce will soon be final and suddenly he is trying to stop the divorce so he can fight me for the house. Could he be successful?
Posted on: 16th Nov, 2007 05:55 pm

I have given the answer at-
You can check it out.

Feel free to ask if you have any farther questions.

Posted on: 17th Nov, 2007 04:16 am
I want to sell housse, comortgage never lived in house or assumed any financial responsibility. Early on he signed quitclaim deed. Now he is in prison on felony life conviction and refuses to sign warranty deed. Don't want foreclosure on my record, what can I do? What is receivership and how does it work?
Posted on: 01st Dec, 2007 05:55 am
Hello Carole,

If you want to sell the property, the co-owner has to sign the document and give his consent.

Has he already signed a quit claim deed before to remove his name from the deed? Then why is he needed to sign the warranty deed again if his name is already removed from the title?

There is another option. You may force a sale by bringing a partition lawsuit against the co-owner.
Posted on: 04th Dec, 2007 04:37 am
A friend of mine has sons in germany who he did not know were listed when the property was purchased in 1985. His wife died in 1986 and did not leave a will. Now that he is trying to sell this house, he found out during a title search that the sons were listed. He has paid for this house by himself all these years including taxes. The sons never paid anything. The mother died when they were 2 years old, however, now since he is asking for a quitclaim they all of a sudden they have a right to the home and won't sign the deed. How can my friend sell the home without the son's signatures?
Thank you!
Posted on: 17th Sep, 2008 04:17 pm
My Mother put all her six children on her apartment building through a quick claim deed 20 years ago after my Father died. Now one brother has become a crack cocaine addict and is draining all my Mother's assets.
Can we get him removed without him signing the deed. He has to date bleed her of at least 150000.00 and now she is going to have a lot of trouble trying to pay the taxes. This property is her source of income, she does'nt live at the property.
Posted on: 09th Nov, 2008 03:16 am
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