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My second mortgage became a charge off - What is that?

Author: Jessica Bennet
Community Mentor
Ask Jessica
Posted on: 07th Dec, 2006 03:49pm
If you haven't paid your mortgage for 6 months or you've been through a foreclosure or short sale wherein you couldn't pay off the second loan after getting rid of the first, your lender is likely to issue a second mortgage charge-off.

What is second mortgage charge-off all about?

If your second mtg lender intends to charge off the loan, it means he's declaring the debt as uncollectible. So, the lender will no longer collect payments from you. But this doesn't mean that you don't owe the money. The lender reports the debt as a loss when he files a Profit and Loss Statement (for his company) with the Internal Revenue Service. He sells off or assigns the debt to a collection agency that'll collect the payments on his behalf. So, your debt hasn't been canceled or forgiven.

When a second loan is charged off after a foreclosure/short sale on the property, the mortgage is considered as an unsecured debt since the collateral has been sold off already.

What happens after a second loan charge-off?

When a second loan is charged off and sold to a collection agency (CA), it's essential that you negotiate an alternative payment plan with the CA. In case you can't meet up with the monthly loan payments, you may settle the debt for an amount less than what you owe to the CA. Otherwise, you may face any of the consequences explained below:
  • CA may sue you: If you don't make any payment towards the mortgage, the CA may file a lawsuit against you during the SOL (Statute of Limitation) period. Once you decide to settle the debt, make sure you get a settlement agreement in writing from the CA.

  • Property retains the 2nd lien: The charge-off does not remove the second lien from your property unless you pay it off.

However, when the second mtg debt is settled, you may have to pay tax on the balance forgiven by the lender. This is because the balance forgiven or canceled debt is considered as your income. But you can avoid paying the tax provided you qualify for mortgage debt forgiveness.

Will I get 1099-C Form after a second loan charge-off?

Since a charge-off doesn't imply cancellation of debt, therefore the lender won't send you a 1099-C Form. Such a form is sent only when a lender cancels your debt and reports it to the IRS as a tax loss.

Can I remove second loan charge-off from credit report?

You can have the charge-off removed from your report only when you settle or pay off the account in full. Unless you make payments towards the account, the negative item will reflect on your credit report for 7 years. After you settle or pay the charged-off account in full, request the collection agency to update the account status as "Settled charge-off" or "Paid in full" respectively. However, a "Paid in full" is certainly better than a "Settled charge-off" status on your credit report. Know more on how to remove charge-off from credit report.

When a second mortgage is charged off, it brings down your credit score by 50 points or more depending upon the other negative items you may have on your report. The best way to get rid of this negative item is to pay down the debt asap and negotiate with the CA to update your account status accordingly.
Posted on: 07th Dec, 2006 03:49 pm
Our 2nd mortgage with beneficial was an original 15,000.00 loan. It has escalated to 32,000.00. They are going to charge off this month. My husband is disabled & 1 child disabled. The loan is only in his name. But my name is on the deed. I understand a 1099 we will receive. What happens to the charge off. with a lien against the home. Will it come off in 7 years? Thanks, Melissa
Hi tll!

Welcome to the forums!

You will have to check your state laws in order to find out whether or not the SOL for your state laws have expired.

Feel free to ask if you've further queries.

Posted on: 18th Nov, 2013 10:42 pm
Would you please tell me the charged off loan will accumulate interest?
Posted on: 08th Dec, 2013 05:52 am
Hi Reya,

The charged off loan may accumulate interest charges, late fees, etc.
Posted on: 08th Dec, 2013 10:40 pm
What is my status when my payments are current, were Bank debited, and the first mortgage is charged off?
Posted on: 06th Apr, 2014 11:11 am
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