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Loan requirements

Posted on: 19th Aug, 2010 04:18 pm
I just started a new job about a month ago, it's an hourly paying job. I just found a forclosed house I am really interested in that is a very good price.
Are there any lenders that do not require you to have had the same job for 1-2 years?
Welcome meinklang,

Lenders would check your financial situation and employment history before giving you a loan. If you're not on the same job for 1-2 years, there are less chances that you would get a mortgage. However, I would suggest you to contact the local lenders and apply for a loan. He would go through your situation and let you know whether or not you would get a loan.
Posted on: 19th Aug, 2010 09:02 pm
If the loan amount is $300000 1 point would cost you $3000..

Shortsale Hardship Letter
compare house insurance
Posted on: 20th Aug, 2010 03:32 am
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