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USDA Restrictions?

Posted on: 30th Mar, 2009 06:36 am
I am in a similar situation with a new home (our first), I am not married but engaged. The houses are income restricted and the program is through the USDA, with my fiancé's income there is no way we could qualify but are attempting to do it on my income and credit alone. Once the paperwork is signed can anything be adjusted once we get married? The house is located in another county, are there normally any restrictions on residency? We are just learning about this process....any advise is welcomed!!!
honestly, i'm not sure what you are seeking to find out. are you planning on quit-claiming the property after purchase so that your fiance can become an owner? what is this question about residency?
Posted on: 30th Mar, 2009 07:29 am
No, once you obtain the loan the lender does not go back and try to reverify income or debts. You are safe to get married and not be worried about no longer qualifying for the loan because of your new household income :)
Posted on: 31st Mar, 2009 07:17 am
chris you must be good at reading between the lines. i'll keep that in mind for next time.
Posted on: 31st Mar, 2009 07:53 am
I was just taking a guess at what I thought the question might have been.

With five kids you learn to read between the lines pretty good though :)
Posted on: 31st Mar, 2009 08:23 am
wow...prolific, too! you go, chris.
Posted on: 31st Mar, 2009 08:35 am
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