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Posted on: 02nd Apr, 2007 09:42 am
due to changes in my economic status due to my recent divorce, i wont be able to continue to pay my mortgage on my primary residency. i have kept my payments on time due to money i have borrow for my employers but i cant continue doing so. my son lives in my second home out of the state. him and his family moved in after they sold their house to help me out with that payment. can i file for a loss mitigation on my primary home.
Hi Anna,

You should contact the mortgage company as early as possible to discuss a loss mitigation plan which you would be able to continue and would be satisfactory for the company also.

The more you will delay it will be difficult to solve the situation you are in.

Posted on: 02nd Apr, 2007 10:43 am
Posted on: 02nd Apr, 2007 12:25 pm
A solution can always be found, for that tell the lender about the financial crunch you are facing, most lenders are very helpful and would certainly like to help you out. It is good that you have tried to keep the payments current as of now; it shows that you are trying to continue the mortgage.
Posted on: 02nd Apr, 2007 03:15 pm
Yes Anna, you can file for loss mitigation on your primary home. For that you need to contact the lender or the company's loss mitigation department.

The officials there will help you out with a new payment plan that will be easier for you to follow. Besides, they may suggest other loss mitigation processes.

Posted on: 02nd Apr, 2007 10:51 pm
Get familiar with Loss Mitigation process and possible options.
Yes, of course you can do LM on your home. You should, as long as you can afford your regular monthly mortgage payments.
There is a important detail. Many mortgage companies have no loss mitigation departments ( people who are willing to negotiate with you ).They have personel who lives from commission. It means, they ask you about everything penny. I do not think you can read anywhere how to go around this issue.
I will be glad to tell you more.
Posted on: 03rd Apr, 2007 09:42 pm
Anna, let me tell you one more thing, if the company does not co-operate in setting up a loss mitigation plan you can contact one of foreclosure prevention counseling agencies.

Such an agency will contact your lender on your behalf and try to develop a loss mitigation plan by which you will be able to continue the mortgage payments.

Posted on: 11th Apr, 2007 02:44 pm
Is it really so kris? I wasn't aware of this.
Posted on: 11th Apr, 2007 10:33 pm

do you think its worth going to foreclosure help companies? I am thinking of approaching one as i am not able to pay since the past 5 monts and lender is likely to foreclose? pls advice
Posted on: 11th Apr, 2007 10:40 pm
Miranda, first thing to do would be to contact your bank and discuss your problem with them. Most will try to work out a plan if you have a reasonable cause because of which you are not able to male the payments.

But if they do not respond positively or are not interested to know what problem you are facing then approaching any foreclosure prevention counseling agency can be useful.

Posted on: 12th Apr, 2007 02:07 pm
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