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How does it work if I had the house first and then placed his name on it

Posted on: 11th Jul, 2009 04:50 pm
The house was worth $160,000.00 when we married. I placed his name on it in 2002 the hosue was worth about $400,000.00 at that time. He fell in love with the dept. sec. and I wanted me to stay home and take care of our children. He has been the only bread winner. Now the house is worth about $325.000.00. Could he win the house.
Only you divorce attorney can answer this question.
Posted on: 11th Jul, 2009 11:09 pm
consult attorney. i hope there is no mortage on the house. you can negotiate on it.
Posted on: 12th Jul, 2009 06:32 am
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