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IRS Back Taxes and Pre-Approval

Posted on: 09th Sep, 2009 10:25 am
For the last year we've cleaned up our credit (Middle 640) and we think we're ready to buy. We've removed derogatories (paid off or disputed), have just 3 derogatory accounts (late payments) in the last 24 months and think we're well on our way. The last thing we take care of is our back taxes (2007 owe $750 and 2008 owe $1250); mailed off a few days ago. I decided to share a copy of my credit report and my story with a mortgage broker and am told that I'll have to pay off the balance before I am pre-approved!!! :cry: What a let down!!

My questions are:

    1. Is it possible to get pre-approved with about $3000 in back IRS taxes? We have no liens against us and figured whatever outstanding amount owed would be swallowed by the $8000 tax credit.

    2. If we do find a company that will pre-approve us should we consider it sub-prime and steer clear? The last think that I want is for our hard work to go to waste because we chose a mortgage hastily.

Thanks for any and all replies.

Anxious HomeBuyer
sunny i didnt assume that i would have "my way." but if i dont understand a point you have made, or someone else, isnt it a reasonable thing to ask what it is that you meant? like the "more loan" thing...i am quite sure that was a reasonable thing for me to do - to ask what you meant.

i don't question your right or ability to make comments. i do reserve the right to identify misinformation and to seek clarification - not for my sake, but for the sake of the consumers who are visiting this site to ask for assistance. after all, that's who we are here for. if something confuses me, and i have all this experience, i would naturally anticipate that the same thing would definitely confuse the average person who is lacking knowledge of this mortgage industry.
Posted on: 11th Sep, 2009 01:47 pm
Absoutely every oen has the right to ask question if they do not understand. That would be up to thier ability, knowlegde and skill.

But,I do not think there is any one here to misguide any vistors.

Askign is alwys different than arguing
Posted on: 11th Sep, 2009 04:35 pm
Posted on: 14th Sep, 2009 06:23 am
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