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Attorney Fees

Posted on: 05th Aug, 2010 12:13 am
We were discharged in Chap 7. Our home was included. We are getting a lot of paperwork now about the pending foreclosure and attorney fees for the lawyers handling the foreclosure for the bank.

Are we responsible for these attorney fees? The bank has never contacted us regarding the property. Only court documents come in the mail letting us know that the foreclosure date is in September.

Is there something we need to do? Will we be responsible for the attorney's fees? What if we can not pay them?

Thank you for your help.
hi guest,

you need to pay the attorney's fees from your pocket only. So let's be clear on this part.As far as paying the money is concerned you can negotiate with your attorney for paying his fess in different installments may be a monthly payment could be a best plan for you.

Second option is there are plenty of pro bono bankruptcy programs offered by plenty of nonprofit organisations.there are some chances that you won't be charged/reduced priced for the attorney's fees in these pro bono bankruptcy programs.

just google for 'pro bono bankruptcy program' and you will get ample of options.

Posted on: 05th Aug, 2010 02:36 am
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