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Make payment until discharge letter received

Posted on: 30th Aug, 2012 01:12 am
I filed for chapter 13 in 2009. My final payment is set for September 1st 2012. My monthly payments have been $465 and my balance due is $177.75. Due to the 30 day hold on all checks I send in, I have $1013.89 credit in my account to pay my monthly payments, more than enough for pay off. When I spoke with my attorney's paralegal, she said that even though I will be paid off, I still have to send in the monthly payments of $465 until I receive my discharge letter. Does this sound right to anyone? She said I will get all that money back, but if I don't send in a payment before I get the letter, they will find me in default. Has anyone else heard this?
Hi Elisa!

Welcome to forums!

Personally I don't think you will have to pay. But it will be better if you could contact your trustee and take his opinion in this regard.

Feel free to ask if you've further queries.

Posted on: 30th Aug, 2012 02:21 am
Welcome Elisa,

I agree with what Sussane has said. The trustee is your best point of contact in this matter.
Posted on: 30th Aug, 2012 09:26 pm
Yes, talking to the trustee would be the best option in my opinion, and safe too.
Posted on: 31st Aug, 2012 11:24 am
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