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How do I ask for a review/audit of my mortage account frrom lender; what is the correct terminology?

Posted on: 25th Mar, 2009 07:42 am
How do I ask for a review/audit of my mortage account frrom lender; what is the correct terminology?...I have been paying extra amounts on my 15 year mortage for many years, probably averaging $90 a month extra. It appears from my balance that I will still be paying on this longer (instead of sooner) that the initial loan called for. I know that my mortagage company changed hands once since this loan was taken out, but assume that should not affect what I owe!
You should call and ask them to send you a complete payment history of your loan.
Posted on: 25th Mar, 2009 02:03 pm
Hi sakaufman!

Welcome to forums!

I agree with Chris. As you have mentioned that your mortgage company has changed hands, I guess, there has been some mis-communication. It would be better if you could contact the lender and clear off the whole issue.

Posted on: 25th Mar, 2009 09:25 pm
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