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Tax deed

Posted on: 17th Jan, 2010 09:19 pm
What to do when your house has a tax deed on it?
I guess you've not paid your property taxes for quite sometime and as a result, there is a tax lien on it. If you want to save the property, you'll have to pay off the taxes.
Posted on: 18th Jan, 2010 01:10 am
If you do not satisfy the delinquent taxes owed, your tax collector can sell of a tax certificate. Most states will have a minimum amount of time the tax certificate must be held before the holder can request the sale of the property to satisfy the certificate. There will also be a maximum amount of time the certificate holder may hold the certificate without requesting the sale of the property to satisfy the certificate.
Posted on: 18th Jan, 2010 08:05 am
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