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What are my options?

Posted on: 27th May, 2008 01:44 pm
I purchased my home in 2005. I had an existing vehicle loan and recently purchased another vehicle. I do not have enough equity in my home to use for debt consolidation and my credit is poor. What are my options?
I'm sorry but you'll have to give a bit more information than that. Actually you don't even necessarily have to give us any more info we just need to know what you're looking to do. Are you having trouble paying your bills? Are you at risk of being forclosed on? If you let us know what you need help with we may be able to provide you with some options...
Posted on: 27th May, 2008 05:18 pm
Welcome Guest.

Why have you taken so much debt when you cannot afford. I have seen people doing this mistake...take out too much debt even though they cannot afford it. Now debt consolidation is a option for you to choose. You can seek help from the debt consolidation care community to consolidate your debt at ""

Hope this helps.
Posted on: 28th May, 2008 03:42 am
You not supposed to use your home as your personal piggy bank
you not supposed to borrow more then you can afford
As far as what you can do now whould depend on alot of factors none of which you have provided in your post.
Posted on: 28th May, 2008 06:25 am
I am struggling to keep up with payments. I am not far enough behind for foreclosure or repossession. I initially had 2 jobs and downsized to just the 1 job so that I could go to school. I think I answered my own question. I need to regain that 2nd income at least until I can pay off the existing vehicle.
Posted on: 28th May, 2008 08:29 am
That would be wise. However, do you have a budget that you currently follow?
Posted on: 28th May, 2008 09:14 am
Sorry that was me that made the last post I accidentaly got logged out.
Posted on: 28th May, 2008 09:14 am
I have a budget that I created in Excel. I keep it up to date as different events take place and I review it daily. The hard part is sticking to this budget. I will have to learn and exhibit self discipline in the future.
Posted on: 28th May, 2008 09:24 am
It's not east to do. You would be surprised how many people have difficulty sticking to thier budget.

What is your credit score?
Posted on: 28th May, 2008 02:40 pm
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