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real estate: life rights

Posted on: 20th Jul, 2009 01:31 pm
my mothers brother bought property in 1989, we(daughter and husband) renovated property, my mother lives in property.
1992 (3 years later) brother granted sister for use during her natural life with quitclaim covenants (meaning?) the property.
she then would not pay taxes, insurance, maintenance etc.
my husband and i paid for everything so property would not go into tax default until we could no longer do so
property is now in tax default
she now recently went in a nursing home
we want to buy property from my uncle, but can only do so if she has lost
her rights as grantee because she has defaulted on her obligations and left the property with a tax lien
Quitclaim covenants: "The grantor, for himself or herself and for his or her heirs, executors and administrators, covenants with the grantee and his or her heirs and assigns, that he or she will, and his or her heirs, executors and administrators shall, warrant and defend the granted premises to the grantee and his or her heirs and assigns forever against the lawful claims and demands of all persons claiming by, through, or under the grantor."
Posted on: 21st Jul, 2009 10:12 am
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