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QuitClaim Reversal

Posted on: 21st Jul, 2009 11:19 pm
I signed a Quitclaim deed to my wife because of my military deployment schedule. She told me it would make things easier if I were to be killed in action. We are going through hard times in our marriage and I don't think we are going to make it. I read the information on this website and it sounds like she gets to keep the home and I have to make the payments if she defaults. My wife has been a paralegal and a Wa State tile 26 guardian ad litem for the past 20 years. Would her background in law and her statements made about my military sevice constitue a good argument for reversal of the quitclaim?

Thank you,

Charles Hanson
i don't think. now she is legal owner of property. onle she can transfer it back to you.
Posted on: 22nd Jul, 2009 09:01 am
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