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How do I find these people?

Posted on: 10th Sep, 2009 10:44 am
Ok so here is the deal...there is a property that I really want to purchase...the guy (A) that was living there was leasing it from B, and B had purchased it from C. Well A moved out because he couldn't get the it is vacant...we tried to call C, but they will not return our phone calls...and we have no earthly idea on how to get ahold of there a way for me to purchase this land?? The property has so many layers that I am confused! :?:
Check with the County
Posted on: 10th Sep, 2009 11:39 am
I have asked the county...they say that A has the deed, but he doesn't...nobody knows who has the right to the property...
Posted on: 10th Sep, 2009 02:43 pm
I asked the county and the Shief and the tax lean what is the morgage company's name that has my property and nobody knows who has it its been past on from morgage company to morgage company
Posted on: 10th Sep, 2009 04:55 pm
Sorry could not help

Good luck in finding this person
Posted on: 10th Sep, 2009 06:12 pm
Well my only question it I know exactly who has been paying the taxes on the property, but who has the right to sell it...the people who do have the right even the tenants couldn't get a hold of...they will not answer or come to the phone...
Posted on: 10th Sep, 2009 08:16 pm
Is there a reason why you want to buy this house only?
Posted on: 10th Sep, 2009 09:08 pm
things just get curiouser and curiouser
Posted on: 11th Sep, 2009 07:27 am
Isnt it?

George probably you cna write a book on this
Posted on: 11th Sep, 2009 09:26 am
I think there will be any speciality with this home.
Posted on: 11th Sep, 2009 10:38 am
okay...i give up...what in the world is "specialty with this home" supposed to mean?

i can't wait until we get to curiousest!
Posted on: 11th Sep, 2009 11:35 am
Speciality means any SPECIFC thing or any Remarkable thing or Quality
Posted on: 11th Sep, 2009 11:49 am
OK since this thread has reached an all time high in the "silly" department, I will contribute.

If there is nobody living there, call the water company and tell them you noticed a leak. They will shut the water off and will notify the owner.....who in turn will no doubt show up to check on the property.
Posted on: 12th Sep, 2009 06:51 am
Good Idea Eric

But the they will send the notice to the same address where the water is gettign shut off!!!


Any one else to the party
Posted on: 12th Sep, 2009 08:32 am
this thread has reached the heights of speciality.

eric, i like that post, but sunny has made a good catch.
Posted on: 14th Sep, 2009 06:37 am here is the deal...I am not interested in the house...I know who owns the is the LAND I am interested in...i finally got a hold of these people...I had to trick them into coming to the phone! But the person who was living there was paying the payment but the loan was not in his we are waiting for it to go into default and then the will put up a for sale sign :) That will be around November YAY! Thanks for the advice people! :)
Posted on: 23rd Sep, 2009 08:14 am
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