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Remove name from deeds

Posted on: 26th Sep, 2009 01:26 pm
I need some help. My parents co-sign with my aunt when they bought their home 15 years ago. My parents's mortgage payment was paid off already. My aunt and my mom agreed that it is time to remove my aunt name from the house. What should we do?
you can do quit claim deed

your aunt can sign a quit cliam deed in the presence of an notary and makesureit is recorded in the county where the hosue is

it is a simpleprocess and may not need an attorney
Posted on: 26th Sep, 2009 02:07 pm
hi GiGi,

Your Aunt would need to sign a quit claim deed, it should not make any difference in the mortgage payments as that will not change.
Posted on: 26th Sep, 2009 10:08 pm

Mortgage is already paid. So gigi should not worry about it.

They can use quit claim deed. Aunt has to sign it as a grantor to transfer her portion
Posted on: 26th Sep, 2009 11:08 pm
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