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Securing title for land purchased with cash.

Posted on: 22nd Jun, 2009 03:12 pm
We are buying a very tiny parcel of land in Los Angeles County.
We are paying cash to a woman who lives in Montana. The land belonged to her father who is deceased. A probate was done (I think that is what it is called) as she has the right to deal with any of his assets.
She has the grant deed that was filled out when her father bought the land. The land is adjacent to our land (we live in the house built by her father).
My question: Do we simply fill out a grant deed, have her sign it and get it notarized?
Then have it recorded and we're done?
Thanks in advance. I don't want to get a realtor involved as we are talking about less than 2k total.

Hi Peter,

If you are going to get the ownership of the land, make sure you get it through a warranty deed. It is an authentic way of transferring property title because it provides the warranty that the property is owned free and clear by the grantor. You can also check with the county recorders office to see if the title is actually in the name of the woman, who is selling the land to you. To check if there are any liens on the land, you can contact the county assessor's office.
Posted on: 22nd Jun, 2009 10:56 pm
Hi Peter,
I agree with Jenk. Even though grant deeds are more commonly used in CA, a warranty offers added protection to the buyer in that the grantor on a warranty deed is guaranteeing the grantee that title is free of title defects, even if caused by a previous owner. This guarantee means that the grantor would have to defend the title in the event a defect is claimed.
Posted on: 23rd Jun, 2009 06:29 am
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