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Self Generated Loan Officer

Posted on: 03rd Feb, 2009 12:28 pm
I was wondering if there is anyone that will hire me as an outside LO. I need someone licensed in all 50 states, and can do FHA as well. I am not licensed, as I have always worked for a bank. I come across self generated leads all the time, and need someone to run them through. Please let me know ASAP if anyone can help.
Hi Ashley,

Welcome to our community.

It's good to have you amongst us. Well, there are a number of industry professionals who're a part of our community. You can find out if any of them can help you. Just check out their profiles from the community professionals page. the community porfessionals participate in our forums and help people with their suggestions on mortgage issues. Moreover, it helps promote their business too.

You too can participate in the community forums. Hopefully you'll make some good friends too. :)


Brian Dela Cruz
Posted on: 04th Feb, 2009 05:10 am
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