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furniture in house after quit claim signed

Posted on: 21st Jan, 2008 10:35 am
do i own the furniture in the house that my ex-husband signed a quit claim deed on? the furniture in question was in the house and is still (after 5 years) on my property. he is now asking to come get the furniture to sell it. to whom does this furniture belong?
who owns the furniture in the house after a quit claim deed is signed?
Posted on: 21st Jan, 2008 10:36 am
Hi pcleary,

Welcome to the forum.

It depends what is written on the deed. It anything mentioned on the deed regarding furniture? Now if the furniture is very costly and you don't want to give it to your ex then I think you should consult with an attorney ASAP and verify the matter?

Posted on: 21st Jan, 2008 10:54 am
I would think if it is not mentioned that it still belongs to both of you, he would have only signed the deed on the property and the house, not the contents unless it is specified there.

Was this furniture purchased when you two were together, if so, I would tell him that you want half the value because you will have to replace what ever he is requesting.

Five years seems like a long time to wait to want something back, why does he want it now after all this time has went by? Did he buy or rent a new home and then suddenly need furniture.

Did you two divorce, silly question I know, but sometimes the ex is used when couples just split and not divorce, if so what did the divorce decree say about the contents of the house?
Posted on: 21st Jan, 2008 11:48 am
Maintenances of terrace furniture are another rule of thumb that should be given due to respect. Wood and aluminum fixtures come on top for the servicing requirements. A good shine or varnish can quickly improve the lifestyle of patio components.
Posted on: 19th May, 2012 05:15 am
When a real property interest is transferred via quitclaim deed, only the real estate is transferred. Real estate includes any permanent buildings and fixtures. Fixtures are items phyiscally attached to the house, like a light fixture or outlet. Furniture would not be a fixture.
Posted on: 22nd May, 2012 12:08 am
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