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how do I type up the quit claim deed if there is a minor child involved as a grantee?

Posted on: 20th Jul, 2009 07:06 am
my mother is transferring property to me and my son who is a minor...does she just list me and him or does it have to be worded any particular way?

A minor cannot legally own a property. So, you cannot have your son as a grantee in the quitclaim deed. It's better to list you as the sole grantee and leave your minor son out of the deed. Once the property is transferred to you, you can prepare a will and leave the property to your son.
Posted on: 20th Jul, 2009 07:15 am
thank you for some sensible information, savior.
Posted on: 20th Jul, 2009 07:57 am
if she is insisting for it, she can make a trust & then sign a quit claim deed in the name of trust. she can make you & your son trustee. the trust could specify that upon her death the property should be divided equally between you & your son.
Posted on: 20th Jul, 2009 10:15 am
no tim...a minor cannot be a trustee either...he may be a beneficiary of a trust, but minors absolutely cannot be put in a position of ownership of that type.
Posted on: 20th Jul, 2009 10:21 am
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