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selling rental prop-

Posted on: 03rd Oct, 2009 02:05 pm
i have a renter that wants to buy our rent house. she is signing a promissary note and mortgage contract for the property. should i sign a quit claim deed and still make her responsible for the mortgage payment to me? i am carrying the mortgage..
Do nto hadle this transcation just by quit claim deed. it good for both of you

Do a warranty deed and make sureyou also have an attorney.

This just for every ones protection, if things go bad in the future
Posted on: 03rd Oct, 2009 05:09 pm
do not continue with mortgage in your name. ask her to refinance in her name.
Posted on: 04th Oct, 2009 03:52 am
Leee I amnot sure if your answer si related to the post
Posted on: 04th Oct, 2009 08:48 am
Hi sharon!

Welcome to forums!

As your tenant is signing the promissory note and the mortgage deed, she would henceforth become responsible for the mortgage dues. Signing a quitclaim deed alone will not make her responsible for the mortgage dues.

Posted on: 04th Oct, 2009 11:30 pm
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