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Deeds, Property Transfer and Estate Planning

Simple Assumption

Posted on: 02nd May, 2023 11:35 am
My son is assuming my mortgage loan through simple assumption. What steps do I need to take to do this without involving the lender and doing it legally? I totally understand the risks involved. I just want to make sure that the day my son wants to sell the house, he won't have any problems.

Second mortgage position wants to take a DIL what happens to the first

Posted on: 23rd Jul, 2022 01:33 pm
Hello, I have a unique situation where I am about to foreclose, I have two liens on my mortgage, and the second one wants to take a Deed in Lieu. The second is owed $400k and the first is owed $170k, with a property value of around $500k. I am curious if I should proceed with the DIL to the second and what happens with the first position?

Ladybird Deed and Land Contract sale of home

Posted on: 26th Oct, 2019 09:21 pm
I have a Ladybird Deed naming my daughter on a property I just sold on a Land Contract. I thought the Land Contract should have detailed that in the event of my death any further payments should be made to my daughter. It did not. When I contacted the attorney who prepared the Land Contract his secretary said I needed an Assignment of Sellers Interest in Land Contact. I asked her to have the attorney contact me. He didn't. Instead, I received a Quit Claim Deed and an Assignment of Sellers Interest in Land Contract. I don't think this is right, especially since I already have the Ladybird Deed. What should I request? I'm confused now. I live in Michigan


Posted on: 16th Aug, 2019 01:02 pm
My husband is the primary or borrower and i am his spouse as a secondary or co-borrower of the mortgage loan however my husband is facing deportation although i called my mortgage and inquired if how could i transfer or claim the 1098 since it was under his social security into my social security so i could claim when filing income tax return and i was advised to file a simple assumption. Can you please explain me about this program or how could impact my Credit History/Report because right now my Credit is under Freeze otherwise does this program required a good credit report. Thank you

house is only in husbands name

Posted on: 27th May, 2019 03:04 pm
House was owned by husband before marriage, we have no will yet, this has been a constant issue for us. I want my name on deed.
in Minnesota if husband were to pass how does it work since my name is nowhere no it, or if to divorce even, what rights would I have I am a stay at home mom with three kids


Posted on: 13th May, 2019 08:57 am
i HAVE APPLIED FOR AN FHA LOAN MORTGAGE CASH-OUT REFINANCE. The property in question was QUICK CLAIMED from her father to his only child my wife. my wife and i divorced in 2006, She proceeded to QUICK CLAIM same property to herself and me in 2015., We proceeded to register/record the QUICK CLAIM DEED in December 2018. I am being told we are approved but, the title deed needs to be seasoned for a year. Although I do find six months to be the norm for refinance and 90 days for refinance.

Going crazy in Michigan.
Mr. Satovsky


Posted on: 17th Apr, 2019 12:48 pm
hi could u tell me the home i have was gaving ito me in a living well,i have the Deed in my name .but the loan is in his name to be paid off. a now a attorney said i wasnt responsible for it ,they cant hold me for a Deceased man loan. the home a owen now i have the DEEDthey just have to right it off, charlotte boes

Paying everything but not on the mortgage loan

Posted on: 01st Feb, 2019 08:55 pm
My x-was order by the court to bring the deed to his attorney 10 days after the divorce and that was almost 17 years ago. I have been paying the mortgage, house insurance and property tax and any other expenses that occur like hail damages for this long. He is on the loan. I have been receiving all the documents in the mail with just his name. He is getting all the credits when he is not contributing not even a penny. The house was awarded to me. So why can't the mortgage just remove his name from it?
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