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Looking for Mortgage again


Posted on: 26th Nov, 2022 10:38 am
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HE loan to value 95%

Posted on: 20th Aug, 2014 12:23 pm
i would like to get a home equity on my home. I am looking for a bank that has a 95% home to value loan. I currently have had no luck with it. Is there banks who have this offer?
None that I am aware of that is a very high risk for the bank

Good Luck
Brian Barnes
ENG Lending - Nationwide Lender
We do loans in your state - feel free to email
Posted on: 28th Aug, 2014 11:47 am

repossion or foreclosure of mobile home in arizona

Posted on: 30th Jun, 2014 01:27 pm
I sold my mobile home(located in a park) in arizona. The bill of sale is very basic, only stating when the payments are due. Yet the people are late on the payments every month. What can I do to repossess the mobile home? Should I stop accepting the late checks and what paperwork would I send to them to let them know I intend to take back the mobile home?
Sorry but you have no legal right to take the home back - being late stinks - I am a landlrd I get it - however that is not enough to foreclose - especially since you have a simple bill of sale - without a contract that states late payments are a reason for repossession - now if they start missing payments all together you have a right to start the process - for mortgages it is 4 payments - not sure what AZ law is on a private note with no outlines terms??

Good Luck
Brian Barnes
ENG Lending
50 States Lending
Posted on: 07th Jul, 2014 12:25 am
All I know is that you can't have it back because it's too late for you unless you buy it back.
Posted on: 11th Jul, 2014 06:40 am

divorce and home ownership

Posted on: 03rd May, 2014 04:45 am
my husband purchased our house when we weren't married yet. but recently refiananced the entire mortgage and we both had to sign paperwork. do i have any legal rights to the property in the event of a divorce? we live in Ohio
I don't think you have any legal rights to that property, as I think it was bought in your husband's name. But you do have a legal liabillity as you have signed the deed of refinancing & you are liable to pay the loan amount to the 2nd lender as per the legal document.
Posted on: 06th May, 2014 06:31 am

FRM 30 or 15

Posted on: 23rd Apr, 2014 06:29 am
I am going to buy a new house next month, I am pre-approved & inspections are done. Now which FRM option I choose? is it 30 yrs or 15 yrs?
If you can afford to comfortably make the payments on a 15 year loan you will save thousands over the 30.. If you are unsure of making the payment every month you could always go with the 30 year term and add to the payments every month - this wil shorten the length of your loan and still allow you the option to make the smaller 30 year payment if the need ever arises where you dont want to make the larger paymentrs.......

Let us know if there is anything else we can help with
Brian Barnes
ENG Lending
Nationwide Lender
Posted on: 23rd Apr, 2014 08:19 am

Stand Alone HELOC

Posted on: 20th Apr, 2014 11:34 am
I own a house free and clear. Are there any lenders who will give me a HELOC? Seems that nobody will do a stand alone HELOC!
I am a banker with access to over 10 different banks None even offer a HELOC any more - I wish I could point you in the right direction but I honestly dont know which banks could help.
You could always do a first mortgage (at a higher cost unfortunately) to get the cash needed

Let us know if there is anything else we can help with
Brian Barnes
ENG Lending
Nationwide Lender
Posted on: 23rd Apr, 2014 08:06 am

Zero cost FHA refinance

Posted on: 04th Apr, 2014 02:29 am
Is it possible to get a zero cost FHA refinance?
No and Yes
You can get a no out of pocket loan however there are costs involved
FHA requires that taxes and insurance be impounded so right off the bat there is the costs of reestablishing an account to have reserves for both of those items - then you have the appraisal - they dont work for free - and the banks costs - You can get a no out of pocket by taking a higher rate and getting a credit for the closing costs (caution a lot of banks advertise this as no cost) This stretches the closing costs out over the life of the loan. You can also add the costs to the loan amount if there is sufficient equity.
There are ways to set things up that will keep your savings intact. You just need to speak to a knowledgeable Loan Officer and have them lay out your options.
Let us know if we can help
Brian Barnes
ENG Lending
Nationwide Lender
contact info below
Posted on: 07th Apr, 2014 08:28 am


Posted on: 24th Feb, 2014 01:26 pm
My son & girlfriend bought a house together, both names on mortgage. They have broke-up but my son wants to keep house and get her name off mortgage.To refinance the mortgage, he cannot afford the house on his own salary. He told the loan company what if his mother refinanced with him. They told him that couldn't be done unless I was living in the house. Is this info correct?
Not at all you need to find a LO that knows what they are doing. It is fine to have a non occupant coborower so long as he is living in the home. It is done all the time. Your income and debts will be added to his to determine eligibilty.

Brian Barnes
ENG Lending
Nationwide Lender
Posted on: 25th Feb, 2014 08:30 am
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