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Do you have information regarding a lender for a 2001 HUD manufactured home using a 203k loan?

Posted on: 19th May, 2009 12:11 pm
We are having a hard time finding a lender that will write a note on a 2001 manufactured HUD home in Texas. This manufactured home is on 5 acres of land and HUD has classified this as a 203K uninsured home. Do you have any suggestions? I have already called 1-800-927-2891 listed above but I have not yet received a return call. We had received a promissary note from the finance company that we would receive the loan but within the last 24 hours we were notified from the lender that they "due to change w/ investors, no longer do 203k loans anymore". Any info will be greately appreciated.
Go to the HUD website at and enter the words 203K lender list in the search box in the upper right hand corner. You will be navigated to a results page. The first result is Lender List Selection Criteria; click on it's subcategory Lender - HUD. Scroll down and enter your state. Scroll to the bottom and enter rehabilitation 203K, check the bo and hit enter. You should find lenders in your area.
Hope this helps.
Posted on: 16th Jun, 2009 10:52 am
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