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Can the surviving spouse who signed a quit claim deed recoup their rights?

Posted on: 01st Aug, 2009 07:00 am
my grandfather signed (it was notarized and filed with the county in texas) a quit claim deed in regards to my grandmother's home. the home was left to her children in her will once she died. the will also stated he could reside in the home until he was deemed incapable or remarried. he is now claiming he has the right to stay in the home regardless of the will or quit claim deed, he's remarrying.
as per will, her children are owner of the house.

Have you submitted application along with death certificate for the probate of the will at the probate court?

if it is not done, do it immediately.

if will paper is lost, your grandfather, along with you will share property. so consult attorney immediately
Posted on: 01st Aug, 2009 08:04 am
risacarpenter ,

Welcome to forum

You need immediately consult attorney,because as low her children are owner of house. You should application probate court
Posted on: 01st Aug, 2009 09:08 am
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